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About Us

St. Elizabeth Catholic Charities is a non-profit human service agency, serving all of Southern Indiana and Metro Louisville. With a deep respect for all life, we are dedicated to providing for the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of our community. We provide comfort and quality services to those in need, and we strive to foster an attitude of self-sufficiency in each of our clients. St. Elizabeth Catholic Charities does not discriminate, we provide help, create hope and serve all.


To affirm the dignity of and respect for all human life by assisting individuals and families in need to achieve empowerment and self-sufficiency.

OUR values

COMPASSION: We recognize the needs of others and are empathetic to them and their situation, and take actions to help.

HOPE: We nurture Hope in those we serve. We strive to provide them with the strength to pursue for something better.

RESPECT: We respect the dignity of all people, because we believe human life is sacred and each person has inherent dignity. Respect for others is the basis for a community.

INTEGRITY: We are honest and honorable. We have an unwavering commitment to the doing the right thing every time.

STEWARDSHIP: We carefully and responsibly manage and care for all that has been entrusted to us. We demonstrate transparency in all of our actions.

TRUST: We will be the people and organization that our clients, donors and stakeholders trust. We will live up to our values and standards and foster a belief and confidence in our integrity, reliability and fairness.

EMPOWERMENT: We support and encourage individuals and their families to be the primary decision makers in their lives. Our organization will work with each individual to tap into their individual strengths, abilities and knowledge to achieve and lead a self-designed life.

EXCELLENCE: We are passionate about the pursuit of excellence. We will go above and beyond what is expected.


St. Elizabeth Catholic Charities believes that all persons should be treated with dignity and respect at all times. Our commitment stems from our agency’s roots in Catholic Social Teaching. We recognize that our differences don’t divide us, but rather make us stronger. At the heart of our mission is the belief that everyone should be treated equally.

Performance Quality Improvement Report

We are excited to report that the agency is continuing to have success in tracking and improving the key metrics for the agency and all our programs. These measurables are reported to both staff and our Council as well as external stakeholders. Our PQI (Performance Quality Improvement) Committee meets regularly with our leadership to monitor these as well as discuss the action plans developed to drive continuous improvement.

We are committed to continually improving the quality of the services we provide, our client satisfaction and our stewardship of resources entrusted to us. We have established key metrics and report on them quarterly. This data analysis, results and trends are used by staff to develop and implement corrective action and action plans.

For the 2023-24 year 89% of our metrics improved from the previous year. During the year 74% of the metrics met or exceeded our targeted goal. The PQI Team approved some new metrics this year to address ever changing opportunities the agency faces.

We remain in compliance with all our government regulators, licenses and accreditations including COA thru October of 2024.